Watch: What are the top risks to your business?
This cybersecurity tip is for smaller business leaders about the top things that came out of the risk assessment that you ran with your IT provider.
Hopefully you've had a conversation with you IT and cybersecurity partner. Hopefully you're getting reassurance. Hopefully there's some advice and consultancy.
Hopefully they are filling in the gaps because their expertise, our expertise, can really help you with dealing with the challenges that a business can face.
So what were the top three tips? What were the top risks identified in your business, and is there a plan to do something about them? Cybersecurity is the kind of thing that can keep business owners, business leaders up at night. It can really create a huge amount of damage, but the good news is there's something you can do about most of these risks.
Deal with the biggest chunk of the threats in a really sensible, practical way. Deal with the biggest risks first. What are the top two or three risks to your business, and do you have a plan to deal with them?
If you want to have a no obligation chat about your business security risks, get in touch below.